Stabilplastik, a founding member of ARP, was awarded in the Visionary of the Year 2024 competition

Jan Suchopár, jendatel a zakladatel společnosti Stabilplastik, výrobce plastových palet, přebírá cenu v rámci soutěže Vizionář roku 2024.

We are pleased to announce that Stabilplastik, a founding member of the ARP and a manufacturer of plastic shipping pallets made from recycled plastic waste, has received an honorable mention in the prestigious Visionary of the Year 2024 award.

This award is given by the CzechInno association to companies that contribute to the positive technological, economic and social development of Czech industry through their innovations.

For Stabilplastik, after recently winning 2nd place in the Company of the Year competition of the Central Bohemian Region, this is further proof that it is one of the most promising companies in Czech industry, not only in the field of sustainability and circular economy.

On behalf of the Plastics Recycling Association, we congratulate Stabilplastik and wish it many more successes.

More information about the competition and the award winners is available here.

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