We are pleased to announce that Stabilplastik, a founding member of the ARP and a manufacturer of plastic shipping pallets made from recycled plastic waste, has received an honorable mention in the prestigious Visionary of the Year 2024 award. This award is ...
We are pleased to announce that Stabilplastik, spol. s r.o., a founding member of the Association of Plastics Recycling (ARP), has received a significant award and was ranked 2nd in the Company of the Year competition of the Central Bohemia Region. This award ...
We are pleased to announce that ČSOB Advisory, a leading Czech company providing consulting and financial services, has become a new member of the Plastic Recycling Association (ARP). This comes shortly after its parent company, ČSOB, also became a member of the ARP. ...
We are pleased to announce that ČSOB, a major Czech financial institution, has become a new member of the Association for Plastic Recycling (ARP) in June 2024. This step is a proof of ČSOB’s interest in environmental and social responsibility, which we enthusiastically welcome. ...
On 17th of November 2023, Stabilplastik was awarded 1st place in the Europe Enterprise Network competition. This prestigious award confirmed Stabilplastik’s advanced solutions in the field of circular economy, where the company is one of the European leaders. The cooperation with ...